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Crystal Reports Training Courses

Crystal Reports is one of the most popular report writing tools in the world and has been in use under different names and parent companies since 1991. The software has been branded by Seagate, Business Objects and now SAP but through all of it’s iterations, it has remained much the same. Its popularity is due to the fact that you can connect to almost any data source – Excel, SQL Server, Oracle and many others – and create complex reports without having any first-hand knowledge about SQL or the underlying database. This enables end-users to quickly create reports without having to tie up IT resources for report creation.

Our Crystal Report training courses take students from Beginner to Expert over a series of two course levels: Introduction and Intermediate. Student will learn everything from how to create basic Crystal Reports, how to sort, filter and group data and, in later courses, how to create parameters, use formulas and functions and how to optimize reports for performance.

Available Courses

  • Live, Instructor-Led Online Course for Individuals
  • Private Group Onsite or Live Online Course For Teams
  • Self-paced eLearning Course for Individuals

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Crystal Reports Introduction Training

In this Crystal Reports Introduction Training course, students will learn how to build reports that incorporate sorting, grouping, filtering, subtotals, formulas and much more. Students will learn how to navigate the Crystal Reports interface, design and preview reports and prepare reports for printing or distribution. This class is for students who are new to building reports in Crystal Reports or may have used a previous version and...

Course Length: 2 Days Available Formats:

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Crystal Reports Intermediate Training

In this Crystal Reports Intermediate Training Course, students will build on their existing knowledge of Crystal Reports to create more complex reports for specific business scenarios.  Students will learn how to use Running Totals in a Crystal Report, which allow a user to summarize only specific data in a report (unlike Subtotals and Grand Totals, which don't provide as much control over which data is included in...

Course Length: 2 Days Available Formats: