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Microsoft Access Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office

SkillForge SkillSheet

Microsoft Access 2010/13/16 Keyboard Shortcuts

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Frequently Used Shortcuts


In order to… Press
Select the active tab of the ribbon and activate KeyTips Alt or F10  (to move to a different tab, use KeyTips or the arrow keys)
Open the Home tab Alt+H
Open the Tell me box on the ribbon Alt+Q, then enter the search term
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item Shift+F10
Move the focus to a different pane of the window F6
Open an existing database Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12
Show or hide the Navigation Pane F11
Show or hide a property sheet F4
Switch between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode in a datasheet or design view F2
Switch to Form view from form Design view F5
Move to the next or previous field in a Datasheet view The Tab key or Shift+Tab
Go to a specific record in a Datasheet view F5 (then, in the record number box, type the record number and press Enter)
Open the Print dialog box from Print (for datasheets, forms, and reports) Ctrl+P
Open the Page Setup dialog box (for forms and reports) S
Zoom in or out on a part of the page Z
Open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box in the Datasheet view or Form view Ctrl+F
Open the Replace tab in the Find and Replace dialog box in the Datasheet view or Form view Ctrl+H
Add a new record in Datasheet view or Form view Ctrl+Plus Sign (+)
Open the Help window F1
Exit Access Alt+F4


Open and Save Databases


In order to… Press
Open a new database Ctrl+N
Open an existing database Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12
Open the selected folder or file Enter
Open the folder one level above the selected folder Backspace
Delete the selected folder or file Delete
Display a shortcut menu for a selected item such as a folder or file Shift+F10
Move forward through options Tab
Move backward through options Shift+Tab
Open the Look in list F4 or Alt+I
Save a database object Ctrl+S or Shift+F12
Open the Save As dialog box F12 or Alt+F+S


Navigate in the Access Workspace


In order to… Press
Show or hide the Navigation Pane F11
Go to the Navigation PaneSearch box (if the focus is already on the Navigation Pane) Ctrl+F
Switch to the next or previous pane in the workspace

(You might need to press F6 more than once; if pressing F6 doesn’t display the task pane you want, press Alt to move the focus on the ribbon and then press Ctrl+Tab to move to the task pane)

F6 or Shift+F6
Switch to the next or previous database window Ctrl+F6 or Ctrl+Shift+F6
Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized Enter
Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized Ctrl+F8 (press arrow keys to resize window, and then, to apply new size, press Enter)
Close the active database window Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4
Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window Alt+F11
Maximize or restore a selected window Ctrl+F10


Function Keys for Fields/Grids/Text Boxes


Key Function
F2 Toggles between displaying the caret for editing and selecting the entire field.
Shift+F2 Opens the Zoom box to make typing expressions and other text easier.
F4 Opens a drop-down combo list or list box.
Shift+F4 Finds the next occurrence of a match of the text typed in the Find or Replace dialog, if the dialog is closed.
F5 Moves the caret to the record-number box. Type the number of the record that you want to display.
F6 In Table Design view, cycles between upper and lower parts of the window. In Form Design view, cycles through the header, body (detail section), and footer.
F7 Starts the spelling checker.
F8 Turns on extend mode. Press F8 again to extend the selection to a word, the entire field, the whole record, and then all records.
Shift+F8 Reverses the F8 selection process.
Ctrl+F Opens the Find and Replace dialog with the Find page active.
Ctrl+H Opens the Find and Replace dialog with the Replace page active.
Ctrl++ (plus sign) Adds a new record to the current table or query, if the table or query is updatable.
Shift+Enter Saves changes to the active record in the table.
Esc Undoes changes in the current record or field. By pressing Esc twice, you can undo changes in the current field and record. Also cancels extend mode.