There are tons of great, free resources on the web for learning a particular piece of software. At SkillForge, we believe in sharing as many of these resources as possible. Why would a company in the training business want to share training that is free? Well, we know that sometimes you can find a quick answer to your problem by reading a blog post, or going through a quick tutorial. And sometimes, you really need the assistance of an instructor to answer questions or to quickly immerse you in a new product or language.
Photoshop Tutorial : How to Use Puppet Warp in Adobe Photoshop CS5
In this Photoshop Tutorial, SkillForge Photoshop CS5 Instructor Kalin describes how to use the puppet warp tool in Photoshop. This content is from our live, instructor-led online Adobe Photoshop CS5 Training course. To learn more, visit our Photoshop Course page.