HTML: A Brief History

Long ago in the far off land of Switzerland something very interesting began, and Al Gore wasn’t there. 1989 Tim Berners-Lee proposes an Internet based hypertext system for sharing documents between disparate operating systems while working as a contractor at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear …

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The HTML q Tag

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 to 20 years ago I sat down one weekend with a book, a computer, and a few images and put together my first basic website. It was about artists from the Impressionist movement and was not anything to brag …

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HTML5 Form Date Attribute

Getting corporate America to make the move to HTML5 seemed to take longer than any other transition we’ve seen in the past. In part I’m sure due to the long development process. From first working draft in January of 2008 to stable recommendation in October …

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Styling the Humble Checkbox Using CSS

The checkbox has been a staple in the world of HTML forms since day one and for the most part has remained unchanged. HTML 4 introduced the label tag which can be associated with a checkbox using an id attribute in the checkbox and the …

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CSS Clearfix: Three Lines and a Breakdown

Occasionally the learning curve in web design can be gentle. Other times it’s a sharp right angle and once in a while it’s just a nasty hair-pin curve. How you perceive these curves is just that, your perception. You know, this morning you feel as …

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A Printer Friendly Version

“You’ve seen them before: links that say “click here for printer-friendly version” or words to that effect. Every time you follow one of those links, you load a separate document that presents exactly the same information with a different layout, and probably different markup. That …

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Using a CSS Reset

One of the frustrations designers have been feeling for some time now stems from web design by committee, or design via theme. Many web sites today are WordPress sites with a theme and some content. Just add words and you have an instant site. Then …

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Is It Time for a New Browser?

       When it comes to the topic of web browsers one phrase comes to mind, oh how the mighty have fallen. In the 23 years since the release of Mosaic, “the world’s first popular browser”, we have seen several major contenders rise to …

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How to Create Multiple Columns Using CSS3

CSS3 Multiple ColumnsWatch this video on YouTube In this CSS3 tutorial, you’ll learn how to create multiple columns using CSS3. You’ll see how to use the column-width, column-gap and column-count properties to make long blocks of text readable and responsive to your user’s preferred resolution. …

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CSS3 Multiple Columns

Doing a basic web page text layout using more than one column has been much more of a chore than it ever should have been. In the early days of web design almost everything was built using tables. Actually tables inside tables inside tables. Along …

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