Missing Resources when Using Microsoft Project Resource Pools

If you work with Microsoft Project and have ever leveraged the power of Resource Pools across multiple projects, you may have encountered a strange behavior when assigning those resources.


When you share resources between a Resource Pool file (a dummy project file that typically has no tasks but is merely a container for holding resources) and another project file, sometimes the resources don’t show up when it comes time to make the resource assignments.

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Microsoft Access

Learn Microsoft Access

SkillForge is proud to announce the most comprehensive Microsoft Access Training schedules available anywhere! Offering Introduction to Advanced courses in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) – SkillForge offers training for students wanting to learn more about the Microsoft Access application no matter what level of …

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Install Xcelsius with Office 2010

SAP Crystal Presentation Design XcelsiusXcelsius (now renamed SAP Crystal Presentation Design) is supported for use with Microsoft Office 2007.  Many users though, not knowing this, try installing Xcelsius on a machine that has Microsoft Office 2010 installed and are presented with an error message stating something like “Microsoft Office XP and later applications: Excel, Word, Outlook or PowerPoint must be pre-installed.”

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MS Access Resources

ms-accessMicrosoft has recently published a very thorough set of MS Access 2010 resources to the TechNet site. Access has always been the part of the Office Suite that straddles the end-user/IT Professional fence. The resources on TechNet are definitely geared toward Access Developers rather than folks that might be using MS Access more casually.

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What’s New in Microsoft Office 2010 – Part 2 of 6 – Outlook

In Part 1 of this series, we took a look at some of the new features that are common to all of the Office 2010 applications. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the new features specific to Outlook 2010.

The Ribbon

Of all the Office 2010 applications, none has changed more visually than Outlook.  The main reason for this is that Outlook now (finally) shares the same Ribbon interface that the rest of Microsoft Office received in the 2007 version.

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What’s New in Microsoft Office 2010 – Part 1 of 6

With every new release of Microsoft Office (or really any software product for that matter) users of a previous version ask themselves the question “should I upgrade?” And, as always, the answer is…it depends. I’ve collected a few of the new features of Office 2010 to hopefully help you make your decision. However, if you’re one of the many folks who didn’t move to Office 2007 because of the new Ribbon interface – you may want to seriously consider Office 2010. It corrects some of the confusion introduced by the Ribbon interface and adds quite a few useful new features as well. In this post, we’ll explore some of the new features that are common to most, if not all, of the Office 2010 applications.

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