Chicago Excel Training

SkillForge offers Microsoft Excel Training in Chicago, IL. Our onsite Excel training courses and live, instructor-led online Excel courses are offered in Chicago and the Chicago suburbs. Whether you are a beginner or advanced Excel user, our Excel courses can help take your skills to the next level. Please click on a course name below for more details.

  • Hands-on Excel training delivered by expert instructors in a live classroom.
  • Top-rated Excel courseware with accompanying practice files to use during and after class.
  • Six months of post-class email support from an Excel Instructor.
  • A 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your Excel class.

See why companies like State Farm Insurance, Verizon and HP have used SkillForge for their training needs (see a partial list of our clients here.) And learn more about our student’s experience in class by viewing our student testimonials.  Use our quick links below to learn more about a specific Excel course or enroll!

Available Courses

  • Live, Instructor-Led Online Course for Individuals
  • Private Group Onsite or Live Online Course For Teams
  • Self-paced eLearning Course for Individuals

Microsoft Excel Dashboards Training

In this one-day Microsoft Excel Dashboards training class, students will learn how to create dashboards in Microsoft Excel to enable actionable insights from data. Students will see how to use tables with sorting and filtering to select data, how to create charts and implement best practices for chart design in Excel, how to use formulas, functions and perform data validation on their data and use PivotTables and...

Course Length: 1 Day Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training


Microsoft Excel Introduction Training

In this Microsoft Excel Introduction Training course, students will learn how to create worksheets in Microsoft Excel, how to use formulas and perform calculations, how to format cells and worksheets, how to setup worksheets for printing and how to export data from Excel to various other formats, including PDF. This course assumes no prior experience with Excel and is a great starting point for those who are...

Course Length: 1 Day Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training


Microsoft Excel Intermediate Training

In this Microsoft Excel Intermediate Training class, students will learn how to build on their Excel skills by using named ranges in Excel, inserting Excel Functions such as IF and SUMIF, using comparison operators such as AND, OR and NOT and using Date Functions such as DATE and NOW. In addition, students will see how to manipulate text using Text Functions like UPPER, LOWER and CONCATENATE. Students...

Course Length: 1 Day Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training


Microsoft Excel Advanced Training

In this Microsoft Excel Advanced training course, students will learn how to use features in Excel to collaborate with colleagues, automate complex or repetitive tasks, and use conditional logic to construct and apply complex formulas and functions. Students will see how to create Links and External References to Worksheets and Workbooks, use Lookup functions like VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, and watch and evaluate formulas to find and fix...

Course Length: 1 Day Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training


Data Analysis and Visualization with Excel

In this Excel Data Analysis and Visualization Training course, students will learn how to connect to a wide range of data sources, perform data analysis, create diverse and robust data-based visualizations to show insights and trends, and create reports.

Course Length: 2 Days Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training

Excel Power Pivot Training

Power Pivot is a powerful data exploration tool based on in-memory computing technologies that provides unmatched analytical performance to process billions of rows almost instantaneously. In this Microsoft Excel Power Pivot Training course, students will learn how to use Power Pivot to import and manipulate data, create Power Pivot reports, use DAX functions, create key performance indicators (KPI) and use slicers to enhance the visualization of data.

Course Length: 1 Day Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training


Microsoft Excel VBA Training

In this Microsoft Excel VBA Training course, students will learn to use VBA in Excel to create interactive worksheets and automate common worksheet tasks. Students will see how to generate VBA code from existing macros, gain an understanding of the different parts of the Visual Basic Editor, learn how code is organized in Projects, Modules and Procedures and become familiar using Objects, Properties and Methods in their...

Course Length: 2 Days Available Formats: Private Group Training Live, Instructor-Led Online Training